In late 2019, Dev1ls One joined the Trackmania esports scene by sponsoring the up and coming pole player : Marcin (now Evon) that was just about promoted to the Trackmania Grand League.

The organization put their faith in me through Nadeo to draw a livery following their graphic look and brand assets. A jersey of them inspired me a lot. It was using two main colors as light neon blue and glossy pink. Surprisingly – I thought – it worked really well. I then therefore had a go at the color scheme on the Trackmania car. With white sponsors and chromed accents, the skin quickly sticked out and I received praise from a lot of people after releasing the skin. And still to this day, when I look at the car, I think this was one of my most accomplished work ever.

The livery was also awarded skin of the year 2019 by the Trackmania community.

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